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What is GWillS doing now?

the one is using student package:

Please into my page to see what tools I learned, you can comment this,😉

the introduce for some plan

Actually, there are three sections, develop an Assignment submission site so that students can submit assignments as soon as possible correctly. and learning for the IETLS test, and the spring technology.

Now, because I’m developing my project using UML Diagram auxiliarly, It seems to me, that the method will be more swift, maintainable, and clear than my all projects before. Recently, I learned how to build a nice code construct and clear code style by using the philosophy of software engineering on my project. at one day, I will develop fabulous software finally. Boom ~ show my masterpiece! draw a use case diagram

And …. Is the following diagram right?data base diagram

Furthermore, In my experience, the frontend design is essential too. so please make a look at the following!

Index.html preview

the sketch: sketch

the up to date design effect is in the URL below, >browse the newest design<
you can send a mail to me( if u want to see it but can’t access it🤩


Update many documents

In the same way I was able to update one document with updateOne(), I can update multiple documents with updateMany().

filter = eq("student_id", 10001);
updateResult = gradesCollection.updateMany(filter, updateOperation);
System.out.println("\n=> Updating all the documents with {\"student_id\":10001}.");

In this example, I’m using the same updateOperation as earlier, so I’m creating a new one element array comments in these 10 documents.

Here is the output:

=> Updating all the documents with {"student_id":10001}.

AcknowledgedUpdateResult{matchedCount=10, modifiedCount=10, upsertedId=null}

The findOneAndUpdate method

Finally, we have one last very useful method available in the MongoDB Java Driver: findOneAndUpdate().

In most web application, when a user update something, he wants to see this update reflected in his web page. Without the findOneAndUpdate() method, you would have to run an update operation and then fetch the document with a find operation to make sure you are printing the latest version of this object in the web page.

The findOneAndUpdate() method allow you to combine these two operations in one.




Why my Twitter account is locked?

Standard Application

I just didn’t use my account for a long time, I didn’t reach any rules, and I couldn’t receive confirm codes and calls too, on my phone when I wanna resolve the secure problem by verifying my phone number.

  • Updated at 2022-7-1 11:46:13
  • Updated at 2022-6-30 23:12:47 UTC +8
  • Post at 2022-6-29 17:11:46